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Feb 28, 2021

What is Experience Design?
Some questions for you to ask, and answer.

For you, and it may be valuable to ask these with your team!

What is your intention with your Experiences?

What influence do you want to have? What influence do you need to have?

What do you need to make people aware of?
What do you want people to...

Feb 27, 2021

Introducing... Experience Design!

Follow the video version at

You can download the workbook here… Plus my book – ‘Creating Influential Events The Experience Design Playbook’ for free as part of this course.

And… lets talk more!?

For a free...

Feb 27, 2021

What Business are we really in?
Have you thoughts about the value you provide to people?

On the different levels of value, in different ways?

Why do people want to invest their time, money and energy into your event experience?

Follow the video version at

You can download the workbook...

Feb 26, 2021

How satisfied are people with the event experience you offer? How much does that determine how successful your event is seen to be?

Or if it a new event, how much will the quality of the experience effect how successful you are?

What are the measures of success?

Who else will be affected by how successful, and how...

Feb 25, 2021

Can you recall some events which have stood out in your life?
Did they influence the way you feel about something?

Did it influence what you think about something?

Did it influence some of the things that you did then?

Has it influenced some of the things your doing now?

Your interests?
Your career?

Your beliefs?